Learn from Marriott’s Example: Notification Responsibilities After a Data Breach Most states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico have passed legislation regarding notification of security breaches. Know the laws in your state. To answer this question, let’s start with the example experienced by Marriot International recently when a breach exposed the […]
Weak Points in Cybersecurity Hackers Love Do you know where hackers are most likely to gain access to your private data? Discover the favorite entry points and how you can stop them. It seems like every week that there are reports of another massive data breach hitting the news.
No matter how secure you may be right now, you could always be doing more. Have you double-checked your cybersecurity lately? Review the best practices below to strengthen your small business cybersecurity.
Tips for Avoiding and Reporting Facebook Identity Theft Financial fraud and access to confidential business data rank among scammers’ reasons for setting up fake profiles in Facebook identity theft schemes. Right now, hundreds of people could be viewing your photos on Facebook — on an account that doesn’t belong to you. In recent years, […]
Cybercrime is on the rise, and every business must have cybersecurity protocols in place. Read on to learn what steps you need to take to keep hackers at bay. Cybersecurity is a vital pillar of modern business.
Cyber Security Statistics You Must Know to Keep Your Company Safe Cyber threats are constantly evolving. Here are 5 critical cybersecurity threats that you need to know to develop a strong strategy to keep your company safe. Cybersecurity is more of a struggle for businesses every single year.
Don’t let your small or medium business fall victim to ransomware. Make sure your data, network, equipment, and employees are safe from ransomware attacks. Watch our video below to learn all about ransomware and please feel free to share with your staff and social media networks.
Cybercriminals no longer act alone. Find out the strategies and means cybercriminal networks are using to launch dangerous attacks against your organization. According to technology industry blogs, cybercrime incidents are growing by 15 percent each year and cybercrime has become the most profitable type of criminal activity around the globe.
Depending on the scope of the attack, the cost of getting hacked can be in the hundreds of thousands or more. Here’s what you need to know. When it comes to cyberattacks, all too often the bad guys win.
Major Fines for IT Data Breaches Outdated machines, software or employee practices can lead to major security problems. These big companies faced painful fines for their IT mistakes. As companies increase their online activity, data collection and eCommerce, the stakes will continue to rise.