Knoxville Wireless Site Survey Services

Access Systems provides organizations throughout Knoxville with wireless site survey services to ensure their wireless technologies work.

Why a Knoxville Wireless Site Survey May be Your Best Investment Today

A powerful, stable, and reliable connection to the Internet is the lifeblood of any Knoxville business. Companies that already have this tool in their arsenal may take it for granted, but those who have been struggling to keep their network powered will need to consider the potential that a wireless site survey has to offer them.

What is the Point of a Wireless Site Survey? defines a wireless site survey in the following way:

The purpose of a wireless site survey is to look at the feasibility of each individual wireless link to provide seamless connectivity for networked video using a mesh network, Wi-Fi, cellular, or point-to-point high-bandwidth wireless backhaul.

It is critical to perform this process at any site that may benefit from it before additional infrastructure is set up. It is a fact that powerful Wi-Fi services will be required throughout the entire building, so this is the best starting point for any new business.

Wireless Site Survey Knoxville

The Pre-Survey Process

Typically, there is no existing wireless infrastructure to build on top of at the site of a new Knoxville business. It is necessary to start the entire process from scratch.

Some choose to take the word of an architect or contractor they have hired regarding the accessibility of wireless connections in their area. However, relying solely on the testimony of an architect or contractor is not recommended. Business owners should always try to get something in writing that indicates that creating a reliable wireless connection is possible at the site of their building.

Capacity Considerations

It is one thing to set up a wireless router in your home and use it to access the Internet from your home office. It is entirely different to contemplate what must be done to provide a fast Internet connection for an entire office building. There are several considerations that one must make when working with professionals to set up a wireless connection for an office building, including:

  • The Design of the Building – The physical design and shape of the building itself can create some unexpected challenges. Walls tend to be thicker than those used in a residential building. Additionally, certain areas of the building may not hold the physical hardware required to set up an Internet connection.
  • The Number of Users – The sheer number of people who will need to access the Internet in an office building is a challenge in and of itself. These people rely on the company they work for to provide the Internet connection they need to get their job done, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. The number of people using the same Internet connection simultaneously will pose challenges to that connection. It is best to consider this during the site survey process and work with professionals who can help you establish a powerful enough connection to meet your needs.
  • Storage of the Hardware – Very large pieces of hardware must be stored on-site to provide the wireless connection necessary to power the business forward. Companies must pay attention to where they can potentially store their hardware to get the most value out of it. Many companies put their hardware in an entirely separate room just to hold all the systems they need to use simultaneously.

It is best to think ahead to ensure that all of these needs are met. The worst outcome is getting too far in the construction process before realizing that some aspect of this job has not been performed properly.

Adding to Existing Systems

Not every business owner is constructing a new building and needs to implement Wi-Fi services from the ground up.  Indeed, many simply need to supplement the existing infrastructure that they already have. Professionals can also work with those individuals to ensure that their Wi-Fi network and connection remain strong no matter their needs.

Experts installing new Wi-Fi connections and new software can help bolster the power of that connection. They can perform all of this work without disrupting the operations that are currently in place at the business. This means that companies do not have to suspend their active operations to get the latest updates on the technology that they are already using.


A final point to consider for all Knoxville-area businesses is how they will manage any troubleshooting needs that may come up. After the Wi-Fi network has been established, it is important to check on it periodically to ensure it works optimally. All Knoxville businesses should ensure they reach out to those who can help them avoid the issues that may come with excessive lag times regarding their Wi-Fi connection.

Many businesses will experience some Wi-Fi connection difficulties at some point in time. The trick is to ensure they don’t allow those issues to overwhelm them and become a much larger problem than they should have been. Some simple troubleshooting can help take care of these issues and keep business owners out of trouble. No matter what problem may arise, true professionals are happy to work with everyone to ensure they get their Wi-Fi network back up and running.

The pace of business only continues to get faster and faster with each passing year. The speed of one’s Internet connection also needs to keep up with that frantic pace. Thus, it is a good idea to contact experts in the field when you are interested in the best establishment of a Wi-Fi network and the maintenance of that network. It is the best way to ensure that your network is properly maintained and ready to perform when called upon.