VoIP based phone systems are becoming the dominant choice for new phone systems.
Some of the benefits of VoIP phone systems and a unified communications approach are:
- One cabling infrastructure to maintain for both voice and data
- Easier maintenance with computer and web based tools means less reliance on the phonevendor for those routine changes, upgrades, and personnel moves
- Integrated voice, data, video, and conference bridges
- Unified messaging with voice mail, e-mail, pages
- Allowing users to use multiple devices anywhere to stay in touch, including laptops
- Support for multiple locations and remote users
Click the button for more details on VOIP considerations
This revolution in phone technology is much like the one that occurred for personal computers. Remember when computers had vendor specific operating systems and software and you could only get accessories and parts from the computer system manufacturer at their price? Computer technology has ditched all those limiting vendor proprietary systems and left them in the dust bin of history. Personal computers now compete based on industry wide standards which drive innovation and lower prices, yielding great benefits to the user community.
A similar drive toward technology innovation and industry standards will make the traditional proprietary PBX or key phone system obsolete – some estimate within 5 years. As a prudent business person, it just makes sense to consider VoIP phone systems as part of any new phone system or major upgrade decision.
Access Systems (ASI) believes so strongly in the future of pure VoIP phone systems that we will not sell any legacy phone systems because it will be detrimental to clients in the long run. However, if you need to keep your legacy phone system running, ASI has outside resources that can service and maintain many of those legacy systems until you are ready to move up.
Zultys: Work Anywhere Work EverywhereTM
Zultys is an enterprise class communications and VoIP phone platform. Zultys systems have won multiple awards from leading telecom publications.
Zultys can be deployed as a hardware PBX on premise, hosted in the Cloud, and as a virtual machine or almost any combination thereof. However it is deployed, it has the same feature set and functionality. Linking together remote offices and staff into one unified communications system is a key Zultys objective. If your needs change, then change platforms with no loss of data and little to no retraining.
The Zultys MX communications platform is based on industry standards and then enhanced with unique Zultys features and extensions to address customer needs. This approach yields a rock solid, feature rich phone system at a very favorable cost – benefit ratio; one of the lowest found on any truly comparable system.
- Zultys is based on Asterisk, the dominant open source telephony software
- MXIE is the full feature and powerful desktop communications software client for Zultys. It will let you receive, make, transfer calls, and set up web meetings all from your computer without touching your phone – if you even need one.
- Your extension can be any supported device including a work phone, cellular phone, home phone,and tablets or a combination thereof.
- Zultys phone sets are based on SIP standards and other vendor SIP phones can be used on a Zultys system. Some competitors only offer proprietary phone sets, severely restricting your and costing $$$$.
- Teleconferencing, web conferencing and video conference are all supported as an option all within the same unified Zultys communications system
- Call and contact center functionality for effective management of such operations
- SIP trunks, T-1s, analog phone lines or a combination thereof are supported.
Zultys provides:
Advanced VoIP and unified communications technology + Industry Standards + Lower Cost = Value to your organization
Click the button for a Zultys brochure
Want more information about Zultys and what it can for for your organization? Contact Us
Phone/Internet Communications Circuits
Access Systems represents a wide number of communication circuit vendors which provide T-1s, SIP trunks, MetroE, standard analog lines, etc. With phones, Internet access, remote users, and multiple locations, you need a consultant that understands both networks and phone systems like Access Systems. Let us analyze your communication circuits and see if we can come up with a solution that provides better performance, improved redundancy, cost savings or even all three.
VoIP based unified communication systems can result in saving minutes per user every day, and hours per user every year in addition to the decreased cost of maintaining the overall phone system infrastructure. Let an ASI consultant analyze your current phone system and communication circuits to see if your organization would benefit from the latest advances in phone technology and reduce your recurring expenses over the long run.